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Online Ordering for Bakeries

 Since 1987, TWINPEAKS Software has been one of the nation's earliest developers of bakery management software. The company has grown from a small computer retail store in Glendale, California to a software house providing solutions to businesses all over the nation. TWINPEAKS Software has established a reputation as an aggressive pioneer in the development and marketing of industry specific software to businesses such as bakers, grocers and deli stores and cafes. Over the years, the customer base of TwinPeaks Software has rapidly grown to well over 3000 companies, including many Fortune 500 companies.

TwinPeaks Software owes its success entirely to the men and women who have worked for the company with great devotion, intellectual stamina and dogged determination to succeed and excel. Its staff includes professionals in the fields of business, mathematical and programming sciences, engineering, law and education.


Our President

George Keushguerian, the founder and president of TwinPeaks Software, holds an MBA from the University of Chicago in finance and international business. As a post graduate student, Mr. Keushguerian spent three years studying issues related to the growth of small businesses and developed solutions to many problems that are encountered by them. Prior to establishing the company, Mr. Keushguerian helped numerous businesses make well informed decisions as a management consultant. Under his guidance, TwinPeaks Software has helped thousands of businesses get computerized and become more competitive.


Company Mission

TwinPeaks Software develops and markets advanced industry specific accounting and management programs worldwide. In order to succeed, TwinPeaks Software must and will create and maintain a technological edge over its competitors. This edge is based upon the following guidelines:
  • Uses the most advanced tools available on the market worldwide. These tools must include the most up-to-date software, hardware, and computerized systems.
  • Associate with other software designers to create and maintain bridges, in order to avoid recreating the wheel.
  • Employ people of character not just skills. Skills can be learned. Character is innate.
  • Respect the beliefs, ideas and skills of each and every employee. Maintain a happy work environment. A company is as good and successful as the people it employs.

After all is said and done, this company must thrive beyond the rate of return on its investments. It should improve the quality of life of its customers, employees and the common human being.